====== Books About Late 90s'/early 00's Design ======
Pulled from [[https://www.reddit.com/r/y2kaesthetic/comments/18hm3y1/looking_for_late_90s_early_millenium_design_books/
|this Reddit thread]] on 2025 February 22. Links to online editions added by me.
* Understanding Hypermedia (1993) [[https://archive.org/details/understandinghyp0000cott_d0z6|read online]]
* Understanding Hypermedia (1998)
* Narita Inspected: Japanese Graphic Design Compiler
* Metalheart art books [[https://archive.org/details/metalheart0000lind|read online]]
* Attik noise artbooks/magazines [[https://archive.org/details/scan_2023-09-27_02-22-26/|read online]]
* New Media Showcase books [[https://archive.org/details/newmediashowcase0000amer|read online]]
* Lingua Grafica (2001)
* Index A (2003)
* Los Logos Series like the easier to find Dos Logos (2004) [[https://archive.org/details/doslogos0000unse|read online]]
* Communication Arts magazine [[https://archive.org/details/communicationart0039vari|read online]]
* Digipop by Karim Rashid [[https://archive.org/details/digipop0000rash|read online]]
* Japanese artist Mariko Mori [[https://archive.org/details/marikomori0000mori|read online]]
* a design book called “cool sites” that showcased innovative graphic design for websites from the late 90s