====== All About tozka ====== Hello! tozka is my internet pseud and comes from [[https://ex-girl.bandcamp.com/track/tozka|this eX-Girl song title]] which I listened to maybe 20 years ago and imprinted on. {{ :locks9.png?nolink|}} At the moment I'm a self-employed blogger, catsitter, and general ne'er-do-well. I have too much free time so I spend it hacking apart HTML codes and trying to mush them into my monstrous personal site. I know basic HTML and enough CSS to be dangerous, but I'm also too lazy to do really intricate layouts so here we are. Oh, more about me? Okay. I really like fanfic.My [[media:fanfic:my_history|fandom history can be found here]]. Current non-fandom interests include: FOSS, internet history (particularly 1990s-2010s), the indie web, queer history, world travel, solarpunk/gardening/permaculture, stage musicals, and zines. More later tbd