
Links Out

A collection of fun websites, interesting people, and other online stuff. Currently not organized but it's on my to-do list. I enjoy the act of gathering links on specific topics and curating them into grouped lists, so this part of the website is fairly large.

Help docs and other things for setting up your own personal website.

DIYFuturism: “Self Hosting: Setting up a Personal Wiki with DokuWiki” – helped me decide to use DocuWiki for this site! Plus useful info on some plugins to use and other stuff.

Slash Pages (not the fanfic kind unfortunately) – “Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.”

The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development – “The Fujoshi Guide aims to fill the gap between beginner tutorials and professional web development resources. Beginner tutorials ignore many of the techniques crucial to modern web development, while professional resources are so dense they are unapproachable to the average fan. As a result, many capable potential developers abandon their programming dreams.”

32-Bit Cafe – community for website hobbyists with excellent tutorials and resources for not only personal websites but also forums and other community spaces

What is the Web Revival? – an overview of the different aspects of rebuilding the personal web.

  • links/start.txt
  • Last modified: 9 minutes ago
  • by tozka