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Links Out
5 Hits, Last modified:
un websites, interesting people, and other online stuff. Currently not organized but it's on my to-do lis... [[links:other_linksout|]] ===== People-First Web Stuff ===== * [[|The Peop... Plus useful info on some plugins to use and other stuff. [[|Slash Pages]] (not th... text-heavy and privacy-first * -- community for food gardeners, with open s
Dreamwidth Links #dreamwidth #indie web
2 Hits, Last modified:
com/post/147873750806/how-the-heck-do-i-find-cool-stuff-and-people-on|How the heck do I find cool stuff and people on Dreamwidth, anyhow?]] (2021) -- see also [
Fensites (Fannish Personal Sites)
2 Hits, Last modified:
sonal_sites|make a personal website and put their stuff on it]]. [[|Tehomet]] -- fic ... ulture, popular women in strong cuture, and other stuff that strikes me as cool, weird, interesting, or f
Pixel Links!
2 Hits, Last modified:
ollection/index.html|Peachie's Collection of Cute Stuff]] (archive link) also [[|Peachie's Collection of Cute Stuff mirror]]
Snail Mail Links #art #letter writing #snail mail
2 Hits, Last modified:
riends]] -- snail mail or email options, plus fun stuff like mail art swaps. Okay for kids! (Kids don't h... and events for mail art enthusiasts. ===== Other Stuff ===== [[|Letter Writers