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- Glamourbombing Bibliography #livejournal
- . Instead, I’ll say this: never bring glitter and mailbox doilies to a gun fight." //Duriaud, Aline. "... munique of the Faerie Resistance Troupe (FART)." [mailing list?] 1 May 2001. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[htt
- How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) #indie web
- u about your site without having to commit to an email or going off-site to a social media thing. If you... as an alternative. You can also always send an email to the webmaster that you linked to their site, t
- Finding the Old Web #indie web
- Connect with people through discussion, through email, comments, tweets, whatever. Talk to people!
- What to Put on Your Personal Website #indie web
- ple to contact you? Put a contact page with your email and/or social media handles - Write lists of yo