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Links Out
21 Hits, Last modified:
k |}} ====== Links Out ====== A collection of fun websites, interesting people, and other online stuff.... ting them into grouped lists, so this part of the website is fairly large. ===== Link Collections ====... * [[links:other_linksout|]] ===== People-First Web Stuff ===== * [[|Th...|Anti-AI Stamp]] * [[|The Website League]]: "...a new so
Dreamwidth Links #dreamwidth #indie web
8 Hits, Last modified:
a-primer|How To Dreamwidth: A Primer]] ([[ ow To Dreamwidth: Commenting Options]] ([[
Other People's Link Pages
6 Hits, Last modified:
orks like this: you stumble across an interesting website. This website has a curated links list going out to other interesting websites. You click a few of those links and explore...and then THOSE interesting websites also have link lists! Onward and onwards thr
Fensites (Fannish Personal Sites)
4 Hits, Last modified:
these partly because I love looking at old school websites, and partly to encourage fans to [[|make a personal website and put their stuff on it]]. [[|Tehomet]] -... ic airing schedules, convention reports, boutique websites, uber fiction, various analyses of genre tel
Pixel Links!
4 Hits, Last modified:
focused on the old-school pixels used on personal websites, not so much the video game sprite style one... == Retro Pixel Artists ===== Original artists who websites are now closed and can only be accessed thro... nternet Archive's Wayback Machine. * [[|Peachi
Snail Mail Links #art #letter writing #snail mail
3 Hits, Last modified:
etters/postcards/etc. I actually used to use this website maybe 20 years ago as a teen, so it's great t...|Perfect Strangers]] -- parcel-swapping website that runs seasonally. Might be stagnant as th... nge artsy mail! The main [[|website is here]]. [[https://mailartprojects.blogspo
Zine Links #zines
2 Hits, Last modified:
====== Zine Links ====== A collection of websites and articles by zinesters about zines and zine cultur... e.html|CTRL-zine]], celebrating tech and the Smol Web * [[|Echo
Links for Book Nerds
1 Hits, Last modified:
s for Book Nerds ====== A collection of links for websites and other things that'll interest my fellow
  • notes/fandom_federation.txt
  • Last modified: 4 days ago
  • by tozka