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The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) #indie web #social media
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for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) ====== >While "log off" and "touch grass" are p... want to do those things without engaging with the Web 2.0 hellscape, the indie web is the way to do it. >Over the last few years, you've probably heard def... ist truisms thrown around like "there's only five websites now" or "the Internet is dead." I'm here to
Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever #indie web
9 Hits, Last modified:
====== Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever ====== >Personal websites matter - now, more than ever - because we can see... ep pretending the world we have, without personal websites and autonomy and without having a Goddamn sa... ce: [[
How the Blog Broke the Web #blogging #internet history
6 Hits, Last modified:
====== How the Blog Broke the Web ====== >Here’s the crux of the problem: When something is easy, peop...| How the Blog Broke the Web]] ([[
Modern Social Media Sucks for Fandom by memorizingthedigitsofpi (2021) #fandom #fandom spaces #tumblr
5 Hits, Last modified:
r, just a quality connection. ===== Related: how web 2.0 (and especially tumblr) is ruining fandom ===== >how does the structure of web 2.0 socmed harm fandom? >in aggregate: it forces... abuse protection. >The result is that fandom on web 2.0 - tumblr in particular - is overrun with wide...|freedom-of-fa
Fan is A Tool-Using Animal (Fans + Pinboard) #fandom #file management
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s_a_tool_using_animal.htm|Idle Words]] ([[|archive]]) /
be organized from the very beginning #file management
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Licking the AI Boot #artificial intelligence
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t| (Iris Meredith)]] ([[|archive]]) / Noted: 202
Commonplace Notes
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of interesting articles and text found around the web (and maybe IRL eventually). I'm still trying to f
Whole Earth Index #hippie history #homesteading #permaculture
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an, Tesla, Facebook and social media, Google, the Web, Reddit, Slashdot, hacker culture, bitcoin and cr
  • notes/fandom_federation.txt
  • Last modified: 4 days ago
  • by tozka