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- Finding the Old Web @guides #indie web
- ====== Finding the Old Web ====== de-commercialized and personalized internet experiences Maybe eve
- How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) @guides #indie web
- ====== How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) ====== Eventually this will be more fleshed out, bu
- What to Put on Your Personal Website @guides #indie web
- ====== What to Put on Your Personal Website ====== I promise you, some nerd somewhere really wants t
- Dreamwidth Links @links #dreamwidth #indie web
- ====== Dreamwidth Links ====== A collection of links for Dreamwidth-specific guides, advice, tips et
- Who to Follow On...Mastodon @links #federation #indie web
- ====== Who to Follow On...Mastodon ====== Note: These folks have updated within the last few months.
- The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) @notes #indie web #social media
- ====== The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) ====== >While "lo
- Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever @notes #indie web
- ====== Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever ====== >Personal websites matter - now, more than