====== Fensites (Fannish Personal Sites) ====== A collection of non-commercial personal sites hosted by fans. I collected these partly because I love looking at old school websites, and partly to encourage fans to [[https://www.pixietails.club/links:start#indie_web_personal_sites|make a personal website and put their stuff on it]]. [[http://tehomet.net/|Tehomet]] -- fic and vid recs for what looks like mostly pre-2010 fandoms, plus a really good [[http://tehomet.net/glossary.php|glossary of fannish terms]] [[http://whoosh.org/|Whoosh.org]] -- "Here be essays, articles, commentaries, episode guides, historic airing schedules, convention reports, boutique websites, uber fiction, various analyses of genre television shows and cinema, and a plethora of other materials concerning strong women in popular culture, popular women in strong cuture, and other stuff that strikes me as cool, weird, interesting, or fun (in a pleasant or not so peasant way)."