====== The Hobbit Fanfic Recs ====== Originally posted [[https://tozka.dreamwidth.org/123726.html|2023 March 5 on Dreamwidth]]. Key: Title by author [pairing, word count, rating] Summary and/or Notes ===== Epic (200k+) ===== [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2064171|Comes Around Again]] by scarletjefi [Gimli/Legolas, Bilbo/Thorin, 205k, T] AU where Gimli and Legolas go back into the past, to the start of the Quest of Erebor. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/3163292|Growing Dwarves (And Kingdoms)]] by Lumeleo [Bilbo/Thorin, Fili/Ori, Kili/Tauriel, Dwalin/Nori, Gimli/Legolas, 302k, T] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo stays in Erebor and agrees to fake marry Thorin for political reasons. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/6125821|The Riven Crown]] by BeautifulFiction [Bilbo/Thorin, 254k, E] AU where everybody lives and Bilbo has to temporarily be king while Thorin heals. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/8359249|The Time for Home]] by Drenagon [Bilbo/Thorin, 211k, T] AU where Bilbo is a little more warrior-like, and even more sarcastic. ===== Long (75k+) ===== [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1533899|Forge of Origins]] by Nyruserra [Bilbo/Thorin, 144k, E] Unusual take on Dwarvish courting customs, plus political intrigue! [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2077392/|King Come At Red Morning]] by Tawabids [Bilbo/Thorin, 128.7k, M] Sleeping Beauty AU! [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2286363|A Most Sensible Idea]] by HildyJ [Bilbo/Thorin, Dwalin/Ori, 76.8k, T] Arranged marriage in an AU where erebor never fell. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/11846955|A Passion for Mushrooms]] by Chrononautical [Bilbo/Thorin, 89.9k, T] Everybody lives AU where Bilbo wants to stay in Erebor, but cultural misunderstandings make it a little confusing. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/679152|The Road Delivered Us Home]] by keelywolfe [Bilbo/Thorin, 117k, M] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo brings his nephew back to Erebor. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/626170|An Unexpected Addition]] by karategal [Bilbo/Thorin, 88.9k, T] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo brings his nephew back to Erebor (this is a popular trope). First in a series of 13 works totaling over 303k: ha! I tricked you! ===== Medium (30k-75k) ===== [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2788958|A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes]] by diemarysues [Bilbo/Thorin, 64k, G] Soulmate fic in an Erebor-never-fell AU. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/759933|A Glittering Abyss]] by Salvia_G [Bilbo/Thorin, 18.5k, G] Everybody lives AU; Thorin forgives Bilbo, but Bilbo can't forgive Thorin. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/631131|Made and Remade the Necklace of Songs]] by pibroch [Bilbo/Thorin, 19.7k, E] Soulmate AU where hobbits and dwarves have different soulmark styles. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/16306439|None So Blind]]by Chrononautical [Bilbo/Thorin, 56k, T] Bilbo is grieviously injured after the battle at Erebor and the dwarves take care of him. This might be whump? [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/778809|Of an Arcane Bindin]] by Salvia_G [Bilbo/Thorin, 44.8k, M] Time travel fix-it fic a la The Time Traveller's Wife. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1683956|Things We Grow Together]] by serenbach [Bilbo/Thorin, 12k, T] Soulmate fic, but dwarves and hobbits have different ways of finding them. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/18981442|Wherever I'm with You]] by birdkeeperklink [Bilbo/Thorin, 40k, G] The dwarves go to the Shire to find work, pre-Quest. Fun stuff with social differences between hobbits and dwarves. ===== Short (<30k) ===== [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/23218936|If I could give my breath away (I would)]] by StupidFatPenguin [Bilbo/Thorin, 5k, NR] Thorin temporarily loses his memory and forgets he's married to Bilbo. Humorous, not depressing-- it's based on that cute video of the guy in the hospital who forgot his wife. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/3721528|It's Not a Crush If it's Mostly Hero-Worship]] by withershins [Bilbo/Thorin, 6.8k, T] Outsider POV, everybody lives AU set in Erebor. [[https://archiveofourown.org/works/6306709|Selling to Hobbits]] by HildyJ [Bilbo/Thorin, 4.4k, G] Cultural misunderstandings, yay! AU where Thorin is exiled pre-Quest.