====== Podcasts ====== Eventually this will be more developed, but for now here's some podcasts I enjoy listening to, plus recommended episodes/arcs where needed. Some of these are no longer updating, but you can still listen to the archives (hopefully). {{https://pixietails.club/pixels/tech-misc/tini-earphones.gif?nolink}} I use [[https://overcast.fm/|Overcast]] to listen to podcasts. ===== D&D/Tabletop Games Podcasts ===== [[https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/adventure-zone/|The Adventure Zone]], the podcast that got me interested in tabletop game podcasts in the first place. Favorite arc is Balance, also enjoyed Amnesty, Ethersea, Steeplechase. Short arcs/one-offs that are also fun and easy to start with: Spirit Breakers, Dadlands, TAZ vs. Dracula. [[https://naddpod.com/|Not Another D&D Podcast]], hosted by comedians who know how to do funny characters and also just happen to know very detailed D&D lore. Favorite long arc (so far): Bahumia (Campaign 1). Favorite short arc (so far): Twilight Sanctorum! Start with that one if you've never listened to the show before and are intimidated by 500 episodes or whatever. [[https://www.rudetalesofmagic.com/|Rude Tales of Magic]], another one hosted by comedians. I'm still on the first campaign soooo. ===== Non-Fiction/Discussion/etc. Podcasts ===== [[https://99percentinvisible.org/aoi/|Articles of Interest]], about the history of fashion/clothing through a cultural lens. Episodes: Plus Sizes, The Clueless Closet. [[https://www.cruisingpod.com/|Cruising]], about the history of lesbian bars and more recently general lesbian history. Really liking the newest season which features interviews with lesbian activists! [[https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/bowl|The Empty Bowl]], a meditative podcast about breakfast cereal [[https://www.themcelroy.family/podcasts/mbmbam/|My Brother, My Brother, and Me]]; I saw too many gifs on Tumblr and finally caved and now I'm years deep into the MBMBAM lore [[https://defector.com/normal-gossip-podcast|Normal Gossip]], a fun (well) gossipy show about things that happened to other people and are silly and not a big deal [[https://www.youtube.com/@RebuttalPod|Rebuttal]], a lawyer discusses weird law history things. Might be better watched as video than audio [[https://www.shedunnitshow.com/|Shedunnit]], about fictional female detectives/mystery books [[https://www.shojoandtell.com/|Shojo and Tell]], about Japanese girls' media! [[https://sites.libsyn.com/553042|Too Many Tabs]], a husband and wife infodump at each other (and occasionally host a book club) ===== Pagan Podcasts ===== [[https://desperatehousewitches.podbean.com|Desperate House Witches]], especially the earlier episodes [[http://podcast.eatmypaganass.com/|Eat My Pagan Ass]], my favorite and totally dead now for several years. If the episode downloads stop working, let me know and I can send you copies of most of them. [[https://sites.libsyn.com/436644/website|Music from the Goddess' Vault]], pagan music podcast with witch lore interspersed [[https://newworldwitchery.com/|New World Witchery]], focused on American traditional witchcraft Sidenote: if you're a podcaster you NEED to have your own website (and newsletter). If your host shuts down (like BlogTalkRadio), and/or you stop using a specific social media, how will your fans find you? Make a site and put your contact info on it!