I'm a hardcore lurker and fanfic addict since the early 2000s. Sailor Moon was my OG fandom, back in fifth grade when we'd LARP on the playground and spend afternoons hunting for art scans on the library computers. In middle school we got a family computer– and I discovered fanfic and IRC. Memories include: saving copies of Gundam Wing and Harry Potter fanfic on floppy disks, printing out Sailor Moon fics on my dad's computer, this emoji:
I was part of the LiveJournal era circa 2005-2012. It was great! And then Strikethrough (and Boldthrough) happened, fandom moved away from LJ and Tumblr/Twitter became popular. I joined Tumblr, made a Dreamwidth but was confused by it, and lurked on Twitter. IRL I graduated college, went job-hunting, and then started grad school– and lost all energy to do more than scroll through my Tumblr dashboard and save fics to my A03 bookmarks. Memories include: so much discourse, watching AO3 grow into something amazing, figuring out how to archive fic using Calibre.
When Tumblr banned pornography in December 2018, I followed the fandom exodus over to Dreamwidth. I also dumped Tumblr and Twitter and made the fediverse my main hang out spot. It took a while to stick, but now I'm here to stay…while still dipping my toes into Tumblr/Discord because I really need new Good Omens fanart, okay.
Previous fandom IDs in reverse order: doctorsidrat, tozka, 1843, mendacious. I circled back around to tozka after about 11 years.
I'm multi-fandom and multi-shipping, though I tend to read mostly slash (m/m) and femslash (f/f). Here is a non-exhaustive list of fandoms I've enjoyed being in over the last 20+ years. Current (as of January 2025) fandoms are bolded.
Ace Attorney, The Adventure Zone, An American Werewolf in London/Paris, Angel: The Series, Astreiant, Batman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Captain America (MCU), Check Please!, Community, Daredevil (Netflix), The Dark is Rising (books), DCU Comics, Dead Zone, The Devil Wears Prada, Doctor Who, Dragon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dragonball Z, The Dresden Files, The Faculty, Fantastic Beasts, The Goblin Emperor, The God Eaters (book), Good Omens, Grantchester, Grimm, Gundam Wing, Haikyuu, Hannibal, Harry Potter, Hikaru no Go, The Hobbit, Hornblower, House M.D., Initial D, Inu-Yasha, It Chapter Two, Jeeves & Wooster, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jurassic Park III, Kingsman, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Leverage, Lord Peter Wimsey, Man from UNCLE, Merlin (BBC), My Hero Academia, Naruto, NCIS, Nightrunner (books), Person of Interest, Pet Shop of Horrors, Pirates of the Caribbean, Queer as Folk (UK), Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, The Secret Garden, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Smallville, Star Trek (TOS, AOS, DS9), Star Wars, Static Shock, Suits, Supernatural, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Temeraire, Thor (MCU), Transformers, Trigun, Venom, Welcome to Night Vale, White Collar, The Witcher, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yuri!!! On Ice, X-Men (movies & comics).