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Partly in hopes of that, and partly in trying to memorialize this little movement, I've made a list of resources relating to glamourbombing. This post includes any resource which directly related to glamourbombing as a movement or activity. I did not include the "inspirational texts" which aren't directly related to glamourbombing as an activity, as my interest is more in documenting the people <em>doing</em> glamourbombing. Many older websites have shut down, so I've linked to archived versions where possible. (I was never super interested in making citations 100% perfect, so please don't @ me for any mistakes I may have done in my pseudo-scientific format.) //Aaland, River (Alyssa). "Feeling Fae: Glamour Bombing as Magical Acts of Revolution." LiveJournal. 2005. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "What I can say is that glamour bombers express their feelings of being “other” (quite directly, considering their adoption of the term otherkin to describe themselves) and at the “edges” of society by opposing dominant culture through their dress, spiritual identification, choice of labels for themselves (faerie, elf, goblin, pixie, dragon etc.), and their performance of glamour bombs." //Allison (owlsandankhs). "TRANSMISSION: MoonChild Lilith ♥." YouTube. 29 Nov. 2010. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// Glamourbombing discussion starts at 3:22. //Arethinn. "Glamourbombing." 29 Jan. 2017. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Glamourbombing, in a nutshell, is faery poetic terrorism. It is acts of enchanted art or performance intended to raise ambient magic levels and crack people's heads open a little to admit the idea that Faerie exists and might even be interacting with them. It isn't random acts of kindness (but do those anyway!), making people feel warm and fuzzy or cheering them up, or just "inspirational" platitudes with glitter added. While these things can have a subtle glamour to them, glamourbombing should above all be magical, and as intense as you can make it be - and magical and intense doesn't necessarily mean happy or comforting!" //Bey, Hakim. "Poetic Terrorism." CHAOS: THE BROADSHEETS OF ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHISM. 1986. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Don't do PT for other artists, do it for people who will not realize (at least for a few moments) that what you have done is art. Avoid recognizable art-categories, avoid politics, don't stick around to argue, don't be sentimental; be ruthless, take risks, vandalize only what must be defaced, do something children will remember all their lives--but don't be spontaneous unless the PT Muse has possessed you." Noted several times as one of the main inspirations for glamourbombing. //Block, Sam. "Ceremonial Glamourboming." The Digital Ambler. 16 Oct. 2012. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "That said, Jarandhel was telling me this because most people who do glamourbombing utterly suck at it. Glamourbombing needs to have artistic merit as well as occult meaning, and a lot of glamourbombs are neither. Some people he’s heard of do nothing but leave a few dozen pinwheels in a schoolyard, or leave behind “magic potions” of colored water on a park bench. While cute, these things aren’t anything more than glittery litter, which doesn’t really do much. They barely catch the eye and don’t do much more than annoy a groundskeeper or something. No, claimeth Jarandhel, glamourbombing needs to be more, much more. So, over a hearty lunch as we tend to get with another of our fantastic friends Orthaevelve, we came up with a few ideas for how to do proper glamourbombing and what some things might actually be." //Copy That. "Llewellyn Blog #1." YouTube. 22 Jan. 2013. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// //Dreamsinger, Jarandhel. "The Death and Rebirth of Glamourbombing." Dreamhart. 17 Apr. 2013. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "You probably didn’t know this, but glamourbombing is dead. Shot through the heart by the grim specter of consensual reality we call the Mundane World. I would like to say that she waged a valiant battle against overwhelming odds – but the truth is, she didn’t. Instead, I’ll say this: never bring glitter and mailbox doilies to a gun fight." //Duriaud, Aline. "On Glamour(s) and Parallel Worlds." Reality Sandwich. 7 May 2007. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Recently, walking along an industrial stretch of Gray's Inn Road between Holborn and King's Cross station, I passed a group of teenagers with a menacing, thickset dog in a studded harness. They parted to reveal the entrance to a lush green community grotto planted with flowers and traversed by a ramshackle wooden bridge. The garden was a jewel coloured sliver, a parallel world that surfaced unexpectedly through a seam in the concrete, a reminder that magic exists. It was a glamour bomb." //Glamour 2000 Information Index. HOPE Organization. 30 Apr. 2000. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Objective: To have fun and spread glamour, also to increase awareness that magick and kin exist. Lastly as it is Halloween as well, glamouring can be done in addition to normal celebrations on that date, and can even be done in costumes;)." //"Glamourbomb." The Full Wiki. 16 Nov. 2009. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// This MAY be a full copy of the Wikipedia article which was deleted in 2013. //"Glamourbombing." AnOtherWiki. 28 Nov. 2017. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Glamourbombing is a term for a magical practice originating in the otherkin community which attempts to convince sleeping humans of the reality of magic, the supernatural, the divine, faerie, and similar subjects and in so doing weaken The Veil which separates this world from other worlds and prevents physical magic from working here." //"GlamourBombing." UrbanPaganism. 7 May 2006. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Glamourbombing comes from the tradition of the Fey (those who literally believe in faeries), who see it as a matter of spiritual need to conduct random acts of randomness, focussing specifically on bright shiny things. Glamourbombing is generally the nicer side of things - wearing wings and glitter, doing unexpected things with bright colours, and the like." //Kiki Wanderer. "The Glamourbombing Manuals." YouTube. 17 May 2015. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// //Leaves, Laurel. "Initial Communique of the Faerie Resistance Troupe (FART)." [mailing list?] 1 May 2001. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Millions of people are becoming so consumed by consumerism that they are losing touch with us, and with other spiritual traditions (and if you look hard enough, we are found in some guise, in all the traditions) that have sustained the spirit for all time. Millions of other people are dying and being destroyed-being murdered with varying degrees of quickness-by the institutions that perpetuate this cycle at the other end. In short. Capitalism is boring. And boredom is deadly." //Nadii, Aria. Glamour Bombing Community Homepage. Wild Muse. 21 Mar. 2011. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "This page was created to provide further information about glamour bombs in support of the Glamourbombing community on Livejournal." //nalidoll. "Glamour Bombing." LiveJournal. 25 Sept. 2005 (created); 17 Apr. 2013 (last updated). Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Welcome to this community, which embraces the original spirit of glamourbombing, as it was introduced on the Darkfae-L forum back in 1997. As ever, the concept of glamourbombing is about being a conduit for the spirits of nature, and bringing wonder and awareness of faerie energies into the everyday world." //nalidoll. "My Recipe for Glamourbombing: Essential Ingredients." glamourbombing (LJ). 25 Sept. 2005. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "But without the *Glamour* behind it, these things are just empty props. No matter what materials you use, it needs to be infused with the Magic and Enchantment and Intent that make it truly a GlamourBomb. As our community maintainers like to call it... you have to put some Mojo into it." //Plural Faerie Court. "The Faerie Glamour Archives." 12 Aug. 2024. Access 28 Feb. 2025: [[]]// "Archive of Glamourbombs from the old LiveJournal days, and, new personal contributions." //Rialian. "On the Aftermath of the '04 Election: Beyond Glamour-Bombing." Synesthesia Symbiosis. 2005. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: <a href=""></a>// "These bits of magick (and I use the spelling intentionally) do have their place...they can inspire, they can affect things that are already of the mindset that will accept that they are. But they do not make an environment that is more likely to allow for the fey-touched to survive and thrive. They are not of the deeper Fae touch...they are ephemera that hints, but cannot deliver." //Robbin (fishberryjam). "Glamour Bombs." Fishberry Jam. 2002. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// A copy of the text available at the LJ community, with additional links and inspiration reading recommendations. //Robbin (fishberryjam). "Glamour Bombs ~ The LiveJournal Community :)." LiveJournal. 21 Nov. 2002 (created); 15 July 2011 (last updated). Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "To understand Glamour Bombing, one must first understand the concept of Glamour. It is the essence of it all. Glamour is dreams and art and creativity and power. It's energy in its purest form. Traditionally, Glamour is a spell. A fae spell, that is cast on humans. i.e. the historical sirens that would lead sailors to a watery death ~ what they were doing, that was Glamour ~ or Glamoury." //Solaris, Lisa (wildgarden). "touched by glamour." glamourbombing (LJ). 6 Aug. 2006. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "I followed along too, and witnessed how the crowd was drawn into the passage of the fae troop, eyes wide as touched by wonder and magic. The group threaded even through the crush up in front of the stage, drawing audience energy from the top 40 dancehall band that was performing at the time." //VyAdara. "What is a Glamour Bomb?" Otherworld Adventure (Geocities). 1998[?]. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Glamourbombing is people doing little things around them to spread the awareness of both magic and the kincommunity, as well as doing little things to raise the magic levels on this world. This is usually achieved with creating pockets of magic by doing small guirrilla type magical stuff..." //Windrider. "glamourbombing." everything2. 1 Jan. 2005. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[]]// "Glamourbombing is all about creativity, imagination, and weirdness, so inventing new and different things to do towards that end is strongly encouraged. This node should be considered only a starting point, a small and insufficient list of suggestions for those who would commit the art." guides/glamourbombing.txt Last modified: 14 days agoby tozka Log In