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- Snail Mail Links @links #art #letter writing #snail mail
- ====== Snail Mail Links ====== Resources and interesting bits for people who love letters, postcards, an...|Global Pen Friends]] -- snail mail or email options, plus fun stuff like mail art swaps. Okay for kids! (Kids don't have adult penpals.) [[https:/
- DokuWiki @wiki
- tter|Subscribe to the newsletter]] :!: * [[doku>mailinglist|Join the mailing list]] * [[|Check out the user forum]] * [[doku>i... contact me for help and support -- use the [[doku>mailinglist]] or [[|forum]]
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- p://|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> ar... p://|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> ... dcs delphi diff div dos dot d ecmascript eiffel email epc e erlang euphoria ezt f1 falcon fo fortran fr
- Glamourbombing Bibliography @guides #livejournal
- . Instead, I’ll say this: never bring glitter and mailbox doilies to a gun fight." //Duriaud, Aline. "... munique of the Faerie Resistance Troupe (FART)." [mailing list?] 1 May 2001. Accessed 6 Jan. 2019: [[htt
- How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) @guides #indie web
- u about your site without having to commit to an email or going off-site to a social media thing. If you... as an alternative. You can also always send an email to the webmaster that you linked to their site, t
- Finding the Old Web @guides #indie web
- Connect with people through discussion, through email, comments, tweets, whatever. Talk to people!
- What to Put on Your Personal Website @guides #indie web
- ple to contact you? Put a contact page with your email and/or social media handles - Write lists of yo
- Other People's Link Pages @links
- ks/ * * *
- Links Out @links
- fensites|]] * [[links:zines|]] * [[links:snailmail|]] * [[links:other_linksout|]] ===== People-Fi
- Zine Links @links #zines
- ere]]. Related: [[media:Fanzines]], [[links:snailmail|]] ===== Zine Jams, Monthly Subs, Clubs, etc. ==
- dreamwidth and me by cathexys (2009) @notes #dreamwidth #fandom #fandom spaces
- ner or later. I had assumed that after Usenet and mailing lists and bulletin boards and blogs, LJ would
- be organized from the very beginning @notes #file management
- uld be sorted and organized. Only you know which emails are important and which can be jettisoned. <wra