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- Links Out
-|The Yesterweb]] ===== Indie Web & Personal Sites ===== Help docs and other things for setting up ... aling/|DIYFuturism]]: "Self Hosting: Setting up a Personal Wiki with DokuWiki" -- helped me decide to use DocuWiki for this site! Plus useful info on some plugins to use and othe... . They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the Ind... th excellent tutorials and resources for not only personal websites but also forums and other community spac
- Fensites (Fannish Personal Sites)
- ====== Fensites (Fannish Personal Sites) ====== A collection of non-commercial personal sites hosted by fans. I collected these partly because I love l...|make a personal website and put their stuff on it]]. [[|Tehomet]] -- fic and vid recs