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- Welcome!
- ifornia. ([[misc:me|More about me!]]) This is my personal site, where I plan on keeping things that interest me:... ic recommendations, books I read, movies I watch, guides I write, clippings from articles, and so on. Think of it as a mix of a personal website and a commonplace notebook. This is a co... }} ===== Site/Domain Info ===== This site was previously at (one of my other pseuds), and was moved
- Links Out @links
- aling/|DIYFuturism]]: "Self Hosting: Setting up a Personal Wiki with DokuWiki" -- helped me decide to use DocuWiki for this site! Plus useful info on some plugins to use and othe... . They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the Ind... th excellent tutorials and resources for not only personal websites but also forums and other community spaces [[
- How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) @guides #indie web
- nterests, so you can literally put whatever. [[guides:personal_site_content|]] Of course, you can always see what ot... ====== 4. Linking & webrings ====== Linking off-site is super **super** important. Linking to other personal sites is how we spread the wealth of the indie we... e an [[links:start|extensive link section]] on my site because I LOVE finding links-- but you don't have... stick them on. Once you get some things on your site you can try [[