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The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) #indie web #social media
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for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) ====== >While "log off" and "touch grass" are p... want to do those things without engaging with the Web 2.0 hellscape, the indie web is the way to do it. >Over the last few years, you've probably heard def... nd the proof of their falseness lies in the indie web. <wrap hi>Source: [[https://unplatform.fromthesu
How the Blog Broke the Web #blogging #internet history
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====== How the Blog Broke the Web ====== >Here’s the crux of the problem: When something is easy, peop...| How the Blog Broke the Web]] ([[
Modern Social Media Sucks for Fandom by memorizingthedigitsofpi (2021) #fandom #fandom spaces #tumblr
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r, just a quality connection. ===== Related: how web 2.0 (and especially tumblr) is ruining fandom ===== >how does the structure of web 2.0 socmed harm fandom? >in aggregate: it forces... abuse protection. >The result is that fandom on web 2.0 - tumblr in particular - is overrun with wide...|freedom-of-fa
Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever #indie web
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letter-newsletter|]] ([[ : [[|Indie Web & Personal Sites]] link collection
Fan is A Tool-Using Animal (Fans + Pinboard) #fandom #file management
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s_a_tool_using_animal.htm|Idle Words]] ([[|archive]]) /
be organized from the very beginning #file management
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Licking the AI Boot #artificial intelligence
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t| (Iris Meredith)]] ([[|archive]]) / Noted: 202
Commonplace Notes
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of interesting articles and text found around the web (and maybe IRL eventually). I'm still trying to f
Whole Earth Index #hippie history #homesteading #permaculture
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an, Tesla, Facebook and social media, Google, the Web, Reddit, Slashdot, hacker culture, bitcoin and cr
  • links/zines.txt
  • Last modified: 4 days ago
  • by tozka