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- Zine Links @links #zines
- ====== Zine Links ====== A collection of websites and articles by zinesters about zines and zine culture. Compiled from various resources... bilebasic|here]]. Related: [[media:Fanzines]], [[links:snailmail|]] ===== Zine Jams, Monthly Subs, Club...|Zine-o-matic]] -- monthly box of zines, $19.99-24.99 + shipping * [[https://www.patreo
- Links Out @links
- [[links:mastodon]] * [[links:fensites|]] * [[links:zines|]] * [[links:snailmail|]] * [[links:other_linksout|]] ===== People-First Web Stuff ===== * [[https://people.pled
- Snail Mail Links @links #art #letter writing #snail mail
- love letters, postcards, and so on. See also: [[links:zines|]] ===== Pen Pals & Letter-Friends ===== [[https