The Hobbit Fanfic Recs
Originally posted 2023 March 5 on Dreamwidth.
Title by author [pairing, word count, rating] Summary and/or Notes
Epic (200k+)
Comes Around Again by scarletjefi [Gimli/Legolas, Bilbo/Thorin, 205k, T] AU where Gimli and Legolas go back into the past, to the start of the Quest of Erebor.
Growing Dwarves (And Kingdoms) by Lumeleo [Bilbo/Thorin, Fili/Ori, Kili/Tauriel, Dwalin/Nori, Gimli/Legolas, 302k, T] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo stays in Erebor and agrees to fake marry Thorin for political reasons.
The Riven Crown by BeautifulFiction [Bilbo/Thorin, 254k, E] AU where everybody lives and Bilbo has to temporarily be king while Thorin heals.
The Time for Home by Drenagon [Bilbo/Thorin, 211k, T] AU where Bilbo is a little more warrior-like, and even more sarcastic.
Long (75k+)
Forge of Origins by Nyruserra [Bilbo/Thorin, 144k, E] Unusual take on Dwarvish courting customs, plus political intrigue!
King Come At Red Morning by Tawabids [Bilbo/Thorin, 128.7k, M] Sleeping Beauty AU!
A Most Sensible Idea by HildyJ [Bilbo/Thorin, Dwalin/Ori, 76.8k, T] Arranged marriage in an AU where erebor never fell.
A Passion for Mushrooms by Chrononautical [Bilbo/Thorin, 89.9k, T] Everybody lives AU where Bilbo wants to stay in Erebor, but cultural misunderstandings make it a little confusing.
The Road Delivered Us Home by keelywolfe [Bilbo/Thorin, 117k, M] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo brings his nephew back to Erebor.
An Unexpected Addition by karategal [Bilbo/Thorin, 88.9k, T] Everybody lives AU; Bilbo brings his nephew back to Erebor (this is a popular trope). First in a series of 13 works totaling over 303k: ha! I tricked you!
Medium (30k-75k)
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes by diemarysues [Bilbo/Thorin, 64k, G] Soulmate fic in an Erebor-never-fell AU.
A Glittering Abyss by Salvia_G [Bilbo/Thorin, 18.5k, G] Everybody lives AU; Thorin forgives Bilbo, but Bilbo can't forgive Thorin.
Made and Remade the Necklace of Songs by pibroch [Bilbo/Thorin, 19.7k, E] Soulmate AU where hobbits and dwarves have different soulmark styles.
None So Blindby Chrononautical [Bilbo/Thorin, 56k, T] Bilbo is grieviously injured after the battle at Erebor and the dwarves take care of him. This might be whump?
Of an Arcane Bindin by Salvia_G [Bilbo/Thorin, 44.8k, M] Time travel fix-it fic a la The Time Traveller's Wife.
Things We Grow Together by serenbach [Bilbo/Thorin, 12k, T] Soulmate fic, but dwarves and hobbits have different ways of finding them.
Wherever I'm with You by birdkeeperklink [Bilbo/Thorin, 40k, G] The dwarves go to the Shire to find work, pre-Quest. Fun stuff with social differences between hobbits and dwarves.
Short (<30k)
If I could give my breath away (I would) by StupidFatPenguin [Bilbo/Thorin, 5k, NR] Thorin temporarily loses his memory and forgets he's married to Bilbo. Humorous, not depressing– it's based on that cute video of the guy in the hospital who forgot his wife.
It's Not a Crush If it's Mostly Hero-Worship by withershins [Bilbo/Thorin, 6.8k, T] Outsider POV, everybody lives AU set in Erebor.
Selling to Hobbits by HildyJ [Bilbo/Thorin, 4.4k, G] Cultural misunderstandings, yay! AU where Thorin is exiled pre-Quest.