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Navigation #admin
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start|Notes]] * [[recipes:Start|Recipes]] * [[media:start|Books, TV, etc.]] * [[media:fanfic:start|Fanfic Recs]] * [[guides:start|Guides]] * [[misc:toybox|Toybox (WIP)]] * [[links:start|Links]] * [[guests:start|Leaving?]] {{ ::pink-
Media Logs @media #books
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Movies: [[media:watchlist2025|Watched (2025)]] [[media:fanfic:start|Fanfic Recs]] You can also check out [[https://w... ====== Collections of, well, book lists! <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Booklist Index">
The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) @notes #indie web #social media
6 Hits, Last modified:
====== The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) ====== >While "log off... re's presumably some reason you were using social media in the first place. Maybe it was for sharing art,... A sort of related series of thoughts: - Social media incentives its creators to stay on the apps by gi... ey (and/or venture capital fund money) - Social media discourages linking to outside the system by pena
How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) @guides #indie web
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to learn to code yourself, the way to do it is to start totally from scratch and use HTML/CSS tutorials t... accessible, which is good! I find it easiest to start with a basic HTML layout and then edit it (usuall... rt is filling out that first blank page. Once you start adding things it gets easier over time to find //... commit to an email or going off-site to a social media thing. If you want to interact with your visitors
What to Put on Your Personal Website @guides #indie web
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favorite songs, favorite movies... - Write [[[[media:fanfic:start|fanfic recommendations]] for your favorite fandom
Book Lists @media:books
2 Hits, Last modified:
r off), plus my own recommendation lists. <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -exclude -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">
Media: Books @media:books
2 Hits, Last modified:
====== Media: Books ====== I used to be a librarian, that's how much I love books... <nspages -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">
  • media/start.txt
  • Last modified: 6 hours ago
  • by tozka