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- Navigation #admin
- start|Notes]] * [[recipes:Start|Recipes]] * [[media:start|Books, TV, etc.]] * [[media:fanfic:start|Fanfic Recs]] * [[guides:start|Guides]] * [[misc:toybox|Toybox (WIP)]] * [[links:start|Links]] * [[guests:start|Leaving?]] {{ ::pink-
- Media Logs @media #books
- Movies: [[media:watchlist2025|Watched (2025)]] [[media:fanfic:start|Fanfic Recs]] You can also check out [[https://w... ====== Collections of, well, book lists! <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Booklist Index">
- How to Make a Personal Site (in progress) @guides #indie web
- here are several free webhosts you can use to get started (though you may be limited to file size and typ... ain name is ****. If you're just starting out and don't want to invest much money into m... to learn to code yourself, the way to do it is to start totally from scratch and use HTML/CSS tutorials t... accessible, which is good! I find it easiest to start with a basic HTML layout and then edit it (usuall
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- hes, you can make a horizontal line: ---- ===== Media Files ===== You can include external and interna... page see [[#Image Links]] above. ==== Supported Media Formats ==== DokuWiki can embed the following media formats directly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''pn... If you specify a filename that is not a supported media format, then it will be displayed as a link inste
- The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) @notes #indie web #social media
- ====== The definitive guide for escaping social media (and joining the indie web.) ====== >While "log off... re's presumably some reason you were using social media in the first place. Maybe it was for sharing art,... A sort of related series of thoughts: - Social media incentives its creators to stay on the apps by gi... ey (and/or venture capital fund money) - Social media discourages linking to outside the system by pena
- What to Put on Your Personal Website @guides #indie web
- favorite songs, favorite movies... - Write [[[[media:fanfic:start|fanfic recommendations]] for your favorite fandom
- Glazed Cinnamon Rolls (Back of Flour Bag) @recipes
- utter and vanilla and fold together until mixture starts to form a ball. Place on floured surface and rol... ned. Once combined, spread evenly over dough. 4. Starting from one end, start to roll dough over itself as tightly as possible until dough forms a spiral log. ... ver top of cinnamon rolls while warm. 7. Serve immediately! To store leftover rolls, wrap tightly with
- Glamourbombing Bibliography @guides #livejournal
- ombing on LiveJournal in the early 2000s. I was immediately fascinated with the concept, despite not bein... atch?v=xkr_9wiJGzE]]// Glamourbombing discussion starts at 3:22. //Arethinn. "Glamourbombing." eristic... encouraged. This node should be considered only a starting point, a small and insufficient list of sugges
- Fanfic Recommendations @media:fanfic
- dd warnings so be sure to check for that before you start reading something willy-nilly. <nspages media:fanfic -textPages="By Fandom" -h1 -exclude:start>
- Whole Earth Index @notes #hippie history #homesteading #permaculture
- us Apple, Burning Man, Tesla, Facebook and social media, Google, the Web, Reddit, Slashdot, hacker cultur... founded the Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link in 1985, starting with a dialog between the fiercely independent
- Book Lists @media:books
- r off), plus my own recommendation lists. <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -exclude -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">
- Media: Books @media:books
- ====== Media: Books ====== I used to be a librarian, that's how much I love books... <nspages -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">