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- Media Logs #books
- :** [[media:watchlist2025|Watched (2025)]] All [[media:fanfic:start|Fanfic Recs]] You can also check out [[https://w... ====== Collections of, well, book lists! <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Booklist Index">
- Fanfic Recommendations @media:fanfic
- dd warnings so be sure to check for that before you start reading something willy-nilly. <nspages media:fanfic -textPages="By Fandom" -h1 -exclude:start>
- Book Lists @media:books
- r off), plus my own recommendation lists. <nspages media:books:lists: -tree -r -exclude:start -exclude -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">
- Media: Books @media:books
- ====== Media: Books ====== I used to be a librarian, that's how much I love books... <nspages -tree -r -exclude:start -subns -pagesInNs -h1 -textNs="Index">