Hi! I'm tozka, a queer pagan 30-something ex-librarian from California. My pronouns are xe/xem/xyr.
At the moment I'm a self-employed blogger, catsitter, and general ne'er-do-well. My fandom history can be found here. Current non-fandom interests include: FOSS, internet history (particularly 1990s-2010s), the indie web, queer history, world travel, solarpunk/gardening/permaculture, stage musicals, and zines.
This is my personal site, where I plan on keeping things that interest me: fanfic recommendations, books I read, movies I watch, guides I write, clippings from articles, and so on. Think of it as a mix of a personal website and a commonplace notebook.
This is a companion to my online journal. Since you can't leave comments here, I've linked to the corresponding posts (if available) and you can leave a comment there (even if it's years old).
Site/Domain Info
This site was previously at Doctorsidrat.com (one of my other pseuds), and was moved to Pixietails.club in 2019 (I think). Then the domain expired and I didn't renew it until just now, February 2025. Welcome back!
This particular “layout” was installed in late February 2025, when I switched from a Wordpress blog to a Docuwiki, which fits more of my needs. I really wanted a static website but I also wanted something easy to update and add new pages to, so a wiki seemed like a good compromise. In March 2025 I figured out how to actual style the layout with colors and stuff! The header images are vintage Lovely Lady Locks images stolen from Tumblr blogs.
IMPORTANT: There is NO ads, NO tracking and NO analytics on this site. Browse in peace! (Stop by the guestbook if you want to say hello!)